Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Radiohead Sux

I remember hearing the Radiohead album 'Pablo Honey' at a young age. I fell in love. And with each album thereafter, my love for the band grew stronger. That is until after 'Ok Computer'. The start of their downfall was when they released 'Kid A'. Now Radiohead just seems to be a tangled mess of schizophrenic ideas and arrogance. And for good measure they just throw in any instrument they can think of. Now, as a (great) musician, I can appreciate the talent in what they do. And I respect that what they play is somewhat different from everyone else. I also understand that after so many years, you feel the need to expand and change your sound. However, that in itself doesn't necessarily make music good. At this point, Radiohead could wipe their ass on a blank disc, release it as an album, and people would consider it "genius". It would probably only take a few weeks to reach multi-platinum. And thats sad. Their music is incoherent, pretentious bullshit. They are trying way too hard. "Drug Rock"? NO. Even when I was doing drugs I thought it was crap. And another thing, it's not 'rock' anymore.

So, as an afterthought: the core audience of their seemingly 'brain-washed-cult' following seems to be socially awkward emo kids who will never, ever get laid. Sorry, but if need be, I'll find another cult to join. And no, it won't be "The Mars Volta bandwagon" either. Fuck, don't even get me started on those fucktards.


Blogger Toad734 said...

Ya that newest Radio Head blows, as does Kid A, the other ones are good though.

11/08/2005 8:55 AM  
Blogger Xavier Duval said...

Maybe, "great musician", there is a reason why every disc radiohead releases go up in the charts. Because the complexity of the sounds make you overwhelmed with emotions. Because the incredible Thom Yorke voice is reaching a lot of people. Because their music make you feel like if you were in another world... That is no wiped ass on a blank cd to me.

2/18/2008 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Radiohead fell from grace a while ago now, they just seem to be pottering around and amusing themselves while acting like 40 year old students.

2/29/2008 6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

couldn't have said it better myself.

Because the complexity of the sounds make you overwhelmed with emotions. Because the incredible Thom Yorke voice is reaching a lot of people.

= pretentious bullshit. I can't stand Thom Yorke.

6/27/2009 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go X_rock, GO! :D

2/08/2010 11:03 AM  

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