Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The United States of America, Inc. (Part I)

As history tells us, every Empire will come to an end. The Ottoman, The Roman and all others had their time and glory. Most of them probably thought it would last forever. Unfortunately, their time was limited. And so, we now have the crumbling of the United States of America. The U.S stock market and economy are in a terrible state. Hence, many people are refraining from purchasing items other than what is necessary. The ridiculously rich can still buy whatever they want, but the middle and lower class are struggling. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Thereby effectively eradicating the middle class. Many corporations are coming up with Quick-Fix-Ideas in an effort to entice people in buying their products and using their services. The failing American Auto Companies are offering employee discount prices on many of their models. And a possible merger between Chrysler and GM is in the works, in an effort to help their fledgling sales. Disneyland is offering you a free visit on your birthday, and everywhere you go you will see huge sales, usually for a limited time only. These are sad attempts to try and get you in the door. You know, I think we all saw this coming. This isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back, but it sure as hell helped weigh him down.
One could argue that our country has been an empire since shortly after World War II. We have been the Worlds bully, the Worlds mother, and the Worlds creepy pedophile Uncle for around 50 years now. We have made many friends, but even more enemies. And now our deceit and deception are coming around to bite us in the ass. We spend over 10 billion dollars a month in Iraq trying to rebuild their nation, when we should be rebuilding ours. We have millions going into the Defense budget when we are (were?) the only Superpower left. If we stopped putting money into our defense budget for just 6 months, think about how much money we could put into our economy? If we withdraw from Iraq and took the money from that and put it into programs that we need here, (like oh, healthcare and education are just a couple of things that come to mind) we could possibly save our asses and keep the public somewhat happy and stable.
In this Capitalist society we are slaves to materialism. One problem with this is that all of these choices and material objects are actually a form of bondage. The main problem with Capitalism is that most people don’t think they are where they should be. They see a millionaire on TV and say, “That could be me”. Or worse, “That SHOULD be me”. Sorry, but it probably won’t be. Because as the saying goes, ‘not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grown up.’ It is true that in our great nation you have limitless possibilities, but acceptance of where you ARE right now is one of the keys for true contentment and happiness. True, being rich can make your life easier, but being rich will not necessarily make you happy. Example, how many of the rich retarded celebrities do you see who live ridiculously depressing lives? Just look at Brittney Spears and Tom Cruise.

I have worked in the service industry for quite some time. For a short time, I was a server at a fine dining restaurant. At another time, I was a Valet supervisor for 3 upscale downtown restaurants. And I now work as a Valet driver in a 4-star hotel. Since more than half of my salary is in Tips, it is true that I rely on many in the upper-class. Yet this goes both ways. The upper-class also relies on their valets, their cooks and their nannies, etc. If there is one thing I can say about rich people, it is that many of them believe themselves and their friends or family to be the center of the world. A lot of them have no concern for, and usually cannot even acknowledge the presence of, other people. It’s sad, but usually true. I’m not going to sit here and say that all rich people fall into my stereotype. They do not. But a majority of them do. What is worse is that there are just a few rich families who are running most of our country. Let’s take a look, shall we?

What follows are a few reasons why Americans are pissed off: (The Upper-Class control the majority.)

-A 1983 Federal Reserve study showed that just 2% of the U.S families control 54% of our nation’s wealth. And 10% own 86% of the net financial assets! These figures haven’t changed a lot since then.

-The Average workers median pay in 1998, was a full dollar below the 1973 hourly rate. (adjusted for inflation of course),

-The U.S.A is the only country in the West to allow the Death Penalty for children. Oh, we kill (execute) Mentally Retarded people too.

-We jail 5 to 10 times more of our people than any other developed country. And we have more inmates than every other country except Russia. This is mostly the taxpayer’s money that keeps these jails and prisons afloat.

-The income gap between males with a college degree (mostly those who can afford to go to school) and those without a college degree (mostly people who don’t have the money for school) has grown from 42% to 89% in the past 20 years. Sure, there are grants, scholarships and loans. But not everyone is entitled to these. For example, Bush passed a law how if you’re convicted of drug crime during your schooling, you are ineligible for Federal Loans and/or have to pay back your grant money. The system is set up for you to fail. And its sad to say that one mistake CAN fuck you for the rest of your life sometimes. The trick is to rise above.

-Almost all of the Media is owned by just 6 groups. Their Mergers and Acquisitions basically destroy the opportunity for a non-biased press. It’s the same agenda for these companies and you will receive and view the news the way they want you to see it. As an example, here are all the AOL/Time Warner Holdings:

Cable: HBO, Cinemax, CNN (10 Divisions), Time Warner, Roadrunner, New York 1, Court TV, Comedy Central (Viacom)

T.V: Warner Bros, WB Television, WB Studios, Hanna Barbera, Castle-Rock, Warner Home

Time-Life Books, Education, music, book of the month club, History Book Club, Mysterious Press

Magazines: Time, Fortune, Life, Sports Illustrated, Inside Stuff, Money, People, Teen People, ET Weekly, In Style, Southern Living, Travel Leisure, Food And Wine, Vertigo, Paradox, Stealth, Weight Watchers, and 80 others in Britain!

Labels: Atlantic, Lava, Modern, Rhino, Elektra, East/West, Asylum, Elektra/Sire, Warner Bros and subs, American, Giant, Maverick, Qwest, Coalition MCM, Erato, Teldec, etc.

And don’t forget the internet giant AOL, obviously.

So, can you say monopoly? If you can put two and two together you will gather the implications of this. Nearly everything you see, read or listen to is controlled by this one company. So whatever their agenda is, is the only agenda you will get. It’s not just with companies like this. Rockefeller oil now owns Shell, Exxon, Mobile, tons of others, and I believe, just recently acquired BP. There is hardly any competition left. The ridiculously rich own nearly everything, can name their price and you have to pay. Unless of course, you never want to watch TV, buy a CD, read a magazine or use gasoline, pharmaceuticals, or many other products ever again in your lifetime. If that’s the case, then you’ll be just fine.

These are some reasons why OTHER countries hate us.

-The U.S.A is the only country to BOMB more than 20 countries since 1945.

-We’re the only country to use actually use NUCLEAR WEAPONS on another country. And oh, we still have 75% of our “Banned” weapons.

-93% of the bombs in the 1991 Gulf War we’re not “smart”. 70% of the bombs missed their target. Some actually hit milk factories and bomb shelters. Oh, 60% of Iraq’s population are children.

-Donald Rumsfield and his cohorts sold Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction back in the 1980’s. The U.S.A then used the excuse that “they have weapons of mass destruction” to invade them. Of course they had them at one point, WE sold them to them. While Rumsfield was director of the European ABB, the company provided $200 million dollars worth of nuclear technology. He also helped supply North Korea with nuclear reactors in 2000. “North Korea has nuclear technology. They must be stopped.” I actually sort of agree with them on that one though, North Korea is pretty scary. But lets face it, the reason the U.S. won't go there is obvious. Economically, there is no reason to, they don’t have oil or really anything else of value for us to steal from them. Even the Economic Hit-Man we call the U.S.A has standards.

------ Part II will be posted in a few days.


Blogger Toad734 said...

So what is AOL TIME WARNERs agenda? What kind of message are they sending? Are they part of the "liberal media" are they part of the Conservative alliance with Rupert Murdoch or what? Ya, it sucks that they have a virtual monopoly but that is only dangerous if they abuse it. How do they abuse it?

10/23/2008 10:40 AM  
Blogger J said...

If you can't see the abuses then you are more ignorant than I thought. Read between the lines. Dig a little deeper. You will see the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

11/06/2008 10:37 AM  

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